The Thriving Journal (Day 1)

So I am constantly into self growth.  It is something I am always thriving for and juicing.  Currently I just finished my last session with Megan Sillito from Lifeworks Strategies.  To keep moving forward I am now studying and taking classes on how to become an NLP Practitioner (Neuro Linguistic Programming).  NLP establishes new neuro pathways so that you can quickly change a present state to a desired state.  I am taking this course with Christiane Turner and her business is called Quantum NLP.

Megan gave me a toss to write at lease 3 times a week what thriving looks like for me.  My NLP coach gave me a toss to journal on my BLOG about my personal experiences.  I thought why not?  Those who read this will benefit greatly from it.  In this journal I will not be constantly writing about dog training,  I will be writing what thriving looks like in my life.  This is related to dog training because the more we are into thriving instead of surviving the more present we are with our dogs.  Thriving is definitely a huge part of self-care and love.

Megan noticed that my past patterns in my life were to just survive.  How much can I live without just getting by.  We all do this to a certain point.  I have done this to an extreme and I am ready for a change.  So as a visualize what thriving looks for me this is what I see:

I get up early in my the morning at 6 / 6:30 at least three times a week.  The rest of the week I allow myself to sleep in a bit longer and allow myself to decide the time that resonates best for me to get up the night before I go to sleep.  When I awake, I allow my body to fully integrate gratitude and love.  I feel the love from the heavens, the angels and the divine.  I walk in peace and notice what emotions I am feeling at the time.  I feel and love them.  I sit down and close my eyes for a few minutes and ask my angels any questions that are on my mind about my life.  I fully integrate all what they say to me.  From there I journal.  In my journal, I write what I am grateful for and what thriving looks like to me.  I allow my whole body to take in this wonderful new picture of how I can create a powerful and loving life for myself 🙂

May you take this to some level in your life.  Think of what thriving looks like in your life.  Journal about it and don’t stop there.  Keep reading this blog as you see myself add more and more visions to my power of thriving.  Then you do the same.  Writing is a powerful way to visually manifest the reality that you want in your life.  Especially when you write in the present tense.


Johanna Teresi, Professional Training and Owner of Four Legged Scholars LLC

The Emotional Roller Coaster (Oct 28th)

We have two choices with emotions in our lives.  Choice one is to feel our feelings.  Choice two is to repress our feelings.  Today I had an amazing session with Megan Sillito. The anger I felt today was so intense.  She allowed me to fully feel my emotions with happiness and peace.  It was an amazing reminder that I can choose to feel my emotions without a negative connotation behind them.

I notice I do this more and more.  The more I fully embrace how I feel the more open space is created.  The more authentic relationships I create with my clients and the more present I am in my relationships.


Getting out of my head and into my body can be conflicting at times.  Last week I created a conflict with a close friend of mine as my mind got wrapped around stories and what I wanted to say.  When I chose to really “feel  my feelings” the conflict resolved itself and my friend chose to feel as well.  It was amazing.  I felt more love for her than I ever have.  The connection was one of the soul and was about ultimate truth.

So today I have felt much anger and sadness.  I have chosen to play with it.  As a result, I was so present with my dog client this afternoon it was amazing.  I arrived at my clients house feeling angry.  I chose to breath.  Then when I entered into the house instead of ignoring the anger I chose to be crazy.  I told the dog I felt angry.  I said it multiple times until it past and sadness came. The anger was covering up the sadness.  So I cried and the dog came and laid with me.  It was beautiful.  I realized in that moment that I had chosen so many times to repress my emotions when working with this dog.  I would choose to put on a mask that I was feeling fine on days that I really wasn’t.

So today I chose differently.  The bond I created with the dog was so amazing.  When we left for our walk anger arose again so I chose to run and run.  It was so fun to feel my anger while running.  The dog ran with me and enjoyed it so much.  She was so happy.  I was laughing and felt so open.  I shifted to happiness and presence.  We worked on recalls and leash walking.  The session was amazing.  I also noticed the more I allowed myself to be who I was the more I was giving permission to this gorgeous dog to be who she is.

I noticed after I left I felt more sadness. I chose to go home and turn on some sad music and dance.  Seiki, my dog was so happy to dance with me.  We had fun with my sadness.  He loved it and I enjoyed it as well.

So the moral of the story is to feel your feelings.  It does great things to your body.  Most of all it allows you to create open space so that you can create wonderful space for your dog….amazing presence, a soul connection, easeful training, etc.  When you repress emotions training becomes so very very hard.  Create it be easeful.  Use any of the tools I have stated above and most of all have FUN doing it!

Happy Training!

Johanna Teresi, Professional Owner and Trainer of Four Legged Scholars LLC

Weekly Tip: Gratitude (Oct 14)

I have a dream.  My dream is a ranch that I own where disabled come to experience love through dance, hypnosis, life coaching, etc.  There are also rescue dogs on this ranch that are yearning for love as well.  The children coming to the ranch experience unconditional love through obedience training and bonding with the dogs.

My life coach, Megan Sillito with Lifeworks Strategies, lead me through an amazing experience last week.  I am in the process of manifesting this ranch.  What I have learned is gratitude for what is now.  As I carry the vibration of love and light that I feel when I am on the ranch right now then the ranch comes easefully.

I want to walk you through a process where you can do the same with your dogs.  It is very powerful in creating the behavior you want and desire.

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1.) Think of what you want to create with your dog: walking on a loose leash, sit stay, calm behavior, quiet behavior, relaxed behavior, etc.  whatever it may be.

2.) Pick an object in your house that resembles this goal.  For me I used a mirror which resembled the ranch.

3.) Place the object on the floor.  Walk away from the object so that you are creating a path toward the object.

4.) Take one step forward focusing on your goal and check into your body.  Notice what you feel and what thoughts come up.  Remain at this step until you are feeling in the moment and present with this step.

5.) Repeat step 4 over and over again until you reach your goal.  Remember to fully settle into each step so that you are not rushing.  Checking in with your body to discover what you might be learning from your body.

6.) Once you reach your goal pick up the object.  Check in with your body and notice what you feel.  Take the feeling into your body fully.

7.) Go back to the beginning of the path and take this body feeling with you.

Remember whatever you are training your dog to do it is learning journey that you have the chose to love or not.  Loving is the fastest way to shift into open space and leaves room for the behavior you want to train to develop faster.

Also notice a feeling of longing, hope and desperation while you are training your dog training creates the process to be hard.  Carry the vibration in your body as if you have reached the dog training goal now:)  This shows much gratitude and appreciation for what you have now.  How fun!

I hope you find this exercise very helpful.  The more I shift into love the more I manifest and create.  I hope you find the same with your dog training.

Best Training Wishes!

Johanna Teresi, Professional Trainer and Owner of Four Legged Scholars LLC